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Prof. YANG Xiong
              Social governance, social investigation and decision-making consultation, education sociology, only child and family education, youth trends and youth culture, etc.            

          Professor Yang has a Ph.D. in Sociology. His research fields are social governance, social surveys and policy consultancy, the sociology of education, one child and parenting, and youth thoughts and youth culture.In recent years, Prof. Yang has published several books: China Youth in Great Social Transition; Education Collaboration (co-author), Child Welfare Policy (editor); The Development and Evolution of Chinese Youth; and Shanghai Society Reports (editor). He has published over 10 papers on topics such as “Reflections on the establishment and improvement of a mechanism for analyzing social stability risks from important policy decisions”; and “The enlightenment of the new social movement on China’s youth work in the globalization context”, many of which have been reprinted by the authoritative Xinhua Digest, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Abstract, and Photo Copy Resources of China People’s University. Some of his special reports have been commented on by members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China.During the past twenty years, he has received the Second Prize of Shanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences Achievement Award, the Second Prize of Shanghai Municipal Award for Deng Xiaoping Theory Research and Publicity, the Second Prize of Shanghai Municipal Award for Research on Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, and has twice won the Second Prize of Shanghai Decision-making Consulting Research Achievement Award. He is an expert on the National Committee of Social Surveys, a standing committee member of the Shanghai Consumer Protection Society, a special supervisor of the Shanghai Intermediate People’s Court, and a member of Shanghai Minors Protection Committee.          

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