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A Profile of the Institute of Sociology at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences

Overview of the Institute

Founded on Jan. 25th, 1980, the Institute of Sociology at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS) now has five research labs that focus on urban sociology, social stratification and social attitudes, development and social policy, governance, youth and juvenile studies; also, it has one social survey center. In addition, this institute has several research centers on childhood development, family education, gender study, heh problems study, HIV/AIDS and social policy, marriage and family study, and charity development.


This institute endeavors to propose sociological solutions for various issues. Its major fields of research include: classical and contemporary sociological theory, social transition, structure and social stratification, development studies and social organizations, welfare, employment and social policy, urbanization in China, life quality and development indicators, marriage, family and juvenile studies, social risk and HIV/AIDS prevention.


This institute publishes an academic journal - Contemporary Youth Study and co-authors, with the Institute of Religion and the Institute of Urban and Demographic Development, the annual Blue Yearbook for Shanghai Social Development.


It now has 35 full-time researchers, including 8 professors, 12 associate professors. 33 of them have doctoral degree.

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地址:淮海中路622弄7号 | 邮编:200020 | 电话:021-53060606 | 邮箱:shxs@sass.org.cn
