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Prof. HUA Hua
Education policy and education fairness, college entrance examination reform, youth religious belief.

Hua Hua has a Ph.D. in Education. Her research interests are in educational policies and equity, Gaokao reform and religious belief of youth. Hua has published several papers in journals, including Education Science, Youth Studies, and Chinese Youth Studies, and has published 2 books: A New look at Education Equality: the Theory and Practice of Education Equality in the Social Transition, and On Education Equality. She has translated 2 books: The Future of Children and For the Reason of Children. She is working on a Shanghai Social Science Fund project, a Shanghai Chenguang Program fund project, and many other projects sponsored by the Shanghai Municipal Government’s departments. She has also been sponsored by the French Foreign Ministry and the Humanities Fund Hermes post-doctoral program to participate in research on Chinese religion in France and to maintaine a long-term collaboration with the French National Science Research Center. She won the 2011 Shanghai Youth “May 4th” Medal.

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