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Prof. LU Xiaowen
Social research methods, social structure, social consumption pattern, cultural comparison, urban sociology.

Professor lu's main research focuses are on social research met bods, social structure, cultural comparisons of social consumption Patterns, and urban sociol-ogy. He served as deputy director of the Institute Of Sociology from November 2006 to June 2015, and has been engaged in sociological research for more than 30 years. He has presided over and partic-ipated in multiple key research projects dealing with issues facing the nation,Shanghai and government departments;as well, he is involved in desions and anal-vses of several large-scale social surveys.His work includes the Change of Words and Expressions of Chinese Mainstream Media and Socia/ Cbanges, papers and investigation reports containing millions of words. He participated in the conceptual design and evaluation of the China Pavilion and the Theme Pavilion as a World Expo Shanghai special research expert, and also checked designs of the Germany, Spain and Hol-land theme pavilions as an urban research specialist. At present, he holds the post of chief researcher of the team of Social Development and Stability in the Process of Urban and Rural Integration in Shang hai-a SASS think tank research team.

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