IIR Undertaking New Research Projects

Recently, the National Office for Philosophy and Social Sciences, the Shanghai Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science, and the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences announced the list of research projects. Research projects won by IIR researchers are as follows:


One project of the National Social Science Fund:

LUO Hui: Research on the return of religion and its impact on international relations from the perspective of “post-secularism” (general project).

Four projects of Shanghai Social Science Fund, including three general projects and one youth project:

ZHAO Jianming: Research on the evolution of the geopolitical structure in the Middle East in the post-epidemic era and China’s countermeasures (general project);

GU Wei: China-Russia-Europe relations under a century of great changes: Eurasian competition and cooperation and their global impact (general projects);

DAI Yichen: The prospects of the EU’s strategy of connectivity in the post-epidemic era and its impact on the cooperation of the Belt and Road countries (general projects);

WANG Mengxue: Research on China-Japan competitive cooperation in infrastructure (youth project).


Three projects of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences:

LI Yincai: Space and path choice for China-Africa security cooperation under the impact of the epidemic;

CUI Rongwei: Research on the U.S. forward strategy of deploying mid-range missile systems in the Asia-Pacific and its countermeasures;

MA Xiaoxiao: Research on the U.S. strategic exchange rate friction mechanism.

In addition, this year IIR researchers also undertook eight strategic special sub-projects of the Belt and Road country studiesof the National Social Science Fund:

YU Jianhua: The Belt and Road country study of Egypt;

ZHAO Jianming: The Belt and Road country study of Iran;

SUN Xia: The Belt and Road country study of Saudi Arabia;

HU Liyan: The Belt and Road country study of the Czech Republic;

LIU Jinqian: The Belt and Road country study ofPakistan;

LI Kaisheng: The Belt and Road country study ofPhilippines;

ZHANG Qun: The Belt and Road country study ofIndonesia;

LIU Aming: The Belt and Road country study ofMalaysia.


In the future, the IIR will strengthen project management to ensure the smooth progress and completion of the aforementioned projects. Meanwhile, the IIR will further strengthen and optimize its researchlayout, continue to actively apply for new research projects, and serve the decision-making of the government and the needs of the society.
