


——基于中国东、中、西部地区的比较分析        胡雪萍 李丹青

延迟退休对青年群体就业的挤出效应研究               范琦 冯经纶

互联网金融:风险、监管与发展                       黄文妍  段文奇

电商平台能否提升中国企业的国际议价能力?           王祖强  郑春峰

我国住房抵押贷款证券化违约风险的防范               黄崇珍 张修凡

金融体系与实体经济之间传导渠道的文献综评           罗贵发

要素交换不平等与城乡居民收入差距              尚晓贺

中国要素价格扭曲对经济失衡的影响研究               林雪  林可全


——基于CGSS数据的实证研究                         刘波  王修华  彭建刚

混合所有制经济体系发展策略                         殷实



——基于上海市级以上开发区的实证研究          杨锐刘志彪

京津冀城市群发展差距测算及协同发展研究             汪彬  陈耀


——以上海为例                                     文雯





A Study on the Regional Difference of Employment Effects of Technological Progress: based on Comparative Analysis of the East, Middle and West   HU Xue-ping  LI Dan-qing/

The Research of Crowding Out Effect of Delay Retirement on Youth Employment   FAN Qi   FENG Jing-lun/

Internet FinanceRiskRegulation and Development    /HUANG Wen-Yan  DUAN Wen-Qi

Whether E-commerce Platform Model Can Enhance the International Bargaining Power of Chinese Enterprises or Not?    WANG Zu-qiang  ZHENG Chun-feng

Securitization of Housing Mortgage Loan Default Risk in Our Country   HUANG Chong-zhen  ZHANG Xiu-fan/

A Survey of The Literature About The Transmission Channels Between The Financial And Real Sectors   LUO Gui-fa/

Unequal Exchange of Production Factors and the Urban-rural Populace Income Gap SHANG Xiao-he/

An Impact Study of Factor Price Distortionon Macroeconomic Disequilibrium in China  LIN Xue  LIN Ke-quan/

Inequality of Opportunity In China’s Populace Income Inequality- Based on CGSS Survey Data  LIU Bo  WANG Xiu-hua  PENG Jian-gang/

The Development Strategy of Mixed Ownership Economy    YIN Shi/


Does Proximities Promote the Growth of the Development Zone—The Evidence of Shanghai   YANG Rui  LIU Zhi-biao/

Measurement of the development gap of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei city group and Study on their Coordination Development   WANG Bin  CHEN Yao/

The Design and Assessment of Evaluation System for World City in the Post Financial Crisis Era——the Case of Shanghai  WEN Wen/

