

融资融券的系统性风险管理研究                  刘志洋 宋玉颖

非线性视角下证券市场波动及危机监管研究             尹海员 王盼盼

推进股票发行注册制改革的路径研究                   孙亮


——基于美国市场的经验借鉴                         李佳

中国人力资本存量的再估算:1978-2011         乔红芳 沈利生


——基于中国家庭追踪调查数据的研究                 李齐云  席华 

利率市场化进程与参照利率选择研究                   陈 虹 刘欢 杨成玉

跨境人民币双向资金池业务的金融条件与模式研究       闫彦明 钟斌

我国科技金融研究动态探究:基于文献信息的挖掘分析   朱文莉  刘羽萌  赵勇

京津冀城市群城市规模分布特征研究              王振坡 翟婧彤 张颖 游斌

“逆城市化”:观察维度与制度反思                   蒋长流  张松祺


——对土地产权及使用管理制度的分析                 贾彩彦


——基于非竞争型世界投入产出表的分析               独孤昌慧 吴翔 周小琳

全球价值链、附加值贸易与中美贸易利益测度           王俊  杨恬恬




Studies of Systemic Risk Management of Security Financing Transactions  LIU Zhi-yang  SONG Yu-ying/

Research on Securities Market Volatility and Crisis Supervision under the Nonlinear Paradigm     YIN-Haiyuan WANG-Panpan/

Research on the Path of Registration System Reform for Share Offering of China    SUN Liang/

The Research on The generation, operation and regulatory trends of the Asset Securitization---Based on the experience of the American market reference             LI Jia/

 The New Estimation on Human Capital in China from 1978 to 2011   QIAO Hong-fang  SHEN Li-sheng/

The Impacts of New Rural Pension Program on Household’s Vulnerability to Poverty: Evidence from CFPS         LI Qi-yun   XI Hua/

An Empirical Research on the Market-oriented Progress of China’s Deposit Interest Rate and the Selection of the Reference Rate       CHEN Hong  LIU Huan  YANG Cheng-yu/

Study on Conditions and Mode of Bidirectional Cross-border RMB Capital Pool Business   YAN Yan-ming   ZHONG Bin/ 

A Study Trend on Sci-tech Finance Research: an Analysis Based on the Documental Information ZHU Wen-li,  LIU Yu-meng  ZHAO Yong/

Research on Distribution Feature of City Size in JingJinJi Urban Agglomeration    WANG Zhen-po  ZHAI Jing-tong  ZHANG Ying  YOU Bin/

“Counter-Urbanization”: Dimension of Observing and Institutional Reflections  JIANG Chang-liu   ZHANG Song-qi/ 

The Comparison and Change of the Urban land Management Institution in Modern Beijing:the Analysis of the Land Property and Use Management Institution    JIA Cai-yan/

The Analysis of Pollution Emission Embodied in China-US Trade and Their Determinants  DUGU Chang-hui   WU Xiang   ZHOU Xiao-lin/

Global Value Chain, Trade in Value-added And Measurement of Sino-US trade   WANG Jun   YANG Tian-tian/

