


——基于全国2002-201131个省市面板数据分析        杜德瑞  王喆  杨李娟/3


——基于全国、广东和江苏投入—产出表数据的实证研究  吴福象 朱蕾/18

宽带基础设施与经济增长研究综述                           韩宝国 朱平芳/29


——基于门限面板模型的分区制效应研究                宫健   高铁梅/36


——基于声誉溢价、市场势力和现金分红的视角                田素华/50

国企高管薪酬与公司过度投资:理论模型及其经济后果          张璐芳 朱国泓/63


——以九种人民币汇率波动为例                              茆训诚 崔百胜 王周伟/70

我国黄金期货与现货价格互动影响实证研究                    杨军战/83

中国地区农村居民收入收敛的空间计量实证检验                李新光  胡日东/90


————以上海为例                                        刘兰娟  徐 鑫/104

我国补偿型住院医疗保险费率研究-基于理赔成本假设的分析    仇春涓 陈滔/111

上海快递运输业能耗现状与低碳发展模式探索                  杨 涛/122




Are the industrialization process always the influential factors of producer services?——Base on the industrialization processurbanizationinvestment that ten years2002-2011 panel data of 31 provinces and cities   Du De-rui   WANG Zhe  YANG Li-juan/

Technical Progress, Structure Transformation and Regional Economic Growth

——an Comparative Study Based on the Input-Output Tables of China, Guangdong and Jiangsu Province  WU Fu-xiang  ZHU Lei/

Broadband infrastructure and economic growth: A literature review   HAN Bao-guo   ZHU Ping-fang/

Analysis on Influence of Housing Price to Aggregate Price Level Variation:

Based on the Panel Threshold Regression with Regime Effects  GONG Jian  GAO Tie-mei/

On Chinese firm’s preference for fund collection by Initial Public Offering from the perspective of reputation premium, market power and cash dividends  TIAN Su-hua/

SOE Executive Compensation and CorporateOverinvestment: Theoretical Model and Economic Consequences   ZHANG Lu-fang   ZHU Guo-hong/

Research on the Construction and Application of Multivariate RARCH Models——Take Nine RMB Exchange Rates for Example  Mao Xun-cheng Cui Bai-sheng and Wang Zhou-wei/

An Empirical Study on the interaction impact between the price of gold futures and the price of gold spot in china   YANG Jun-zhan/

The Empirical Test of China’s Rural Residents Income Convergence in Spatial Econometric Methods   LIXin-guang  HU Ri-dong/

CGE simulation analysis of expenditure impact on economic transition in smart city construction—— Taking Shanghai as an example   LIU Lan-juan  XU Xin/

China’s Compensation Hospitalization Insurance Premium Rate

---Analysis on the Actuarial Assumption of Claim Cost   QIU Chun-juan  CHEN Tao/

Current situation of energy consumption and exploration on low-carbon development mode in express service industry in Shanghai    Yang Tao/



