


——基于上市公司的面板数据分析                    吉红云  干杏娣/3


哈伯格-劳尔森-梅茨勒效应在中国存在吗      邵飞   陆前进/11

东道国制度视角下我国对外直接投资的决定因素徐旸慜  姜建刚/23


——基于19国面板VAR模型的实证分析                 黄婷/32


——基于省级数据的经验证据                        赵佳佳 王建林/41

要素替代弹性与我国工业行业经济增长                钟世川/ 51


——基于中国省级面板数据的实证分析                周兴   张鹏/71

高速铁路带动了区域经济发展吗?                    王垚  年猛/82

英国“社会证券交易”(SSE)运作机制研究           顾慧芳/102

投资者情绪对我国公开增发市场反应的影响            王培 余祖伟  侯天骄/107

加快发展民营中小金融机构                          韩汉君  徐美芳/113

国企党建:探索国家治理体系的企业责任              周晓庄/120

家庭生命周期对我国居民消费意愿的影响研究李志兰    江林/126




Chinese Monetary Policy's Influence on Industrial Structure----The panel data analysis based on listing Corporations    JI Hong-yun  GAN Xing-di/

Terms of Trade and Current Account FluctuationsDid“Harberger-Laursen-Metzler effect”exist in China  SHAO Fei  LU Qian-jin/

The host country determinant factors of Chinese enterprises’ OFDI: Based on the view of institution  XU Yang-min  JIANG Jian-gang/

Can Urbanization Necessarily Promote Economic Growth?----An Empirical Analysis Based on PVAR Model of 19 Countries  HUANG  Ting/

The Reason of New Round of Heavy Industry Development and the Effect in China——Evidence from the Provincial Data   ZHAO Jia-jia  WANG Jian-lin/

The Elasticity of Substitution and Industrial Economic Growth  ZHANG Shi-chuan/

Did high-speed trains promote the development of Regional economy?  WANG Yao  NIAN Meng/

The Impact of Marketization Process on the Technological Progress and Innovation: Empirical Study Base on the Provincial Panel Data of China   ZHOU Xing  ZHANG Peng/

Research on the Operational Mechanism of London Social Stock Exchange(SSE)  GU Hui-fang/

Cooperation and its influence on the company's stock value  REN Lang/

On the Regional Differences in the Impact of Labor Productivity Growth Rate on Wage GrowthBased on Provincial Panel Data Model Empirical Analysis  LIANG Jun  SUN Peng-lei/

The Impact of Family Life Cycle on Willingness to Pay in China  LI Zhi-lan  JIANG Lin/

