

积极财政政策的冷思考                        解保华  李彬联/3

中国利率政策的不对称行为研究                 朱钧钧/18

资本流动性冲击、宏观经济波动与我国货币政策协调    徐琤/

国际货币体系改革与人民币国际化                    宣文俊/36


——金融危机视角下的美元汇率                      徐健/43

国际反知识垄断动向及其对中国的启示           周翼/50

国际贸易中的“绿色壁垒”及中国的对策              张爱勤/58

剩余控制权的不同形式及其对公司治理的影响          李双金 郑育家/62

完善我国工资集体协商制度研究                      张留禄/68

金融服务业集群的网络结构:上海案例的实证分析  闫彦明/77

经济增长背景下的城市贫困:以上海为例                /88

重估上海物质资本存量:19782008                  廖远甦/98

区域发展中的道路建设综合效果评价研究              春燕/104

论民国沪地同业公会与其他社会群体的关系            樊卫国/111

2009年总目录                                     本刊编辑部 4




The Rational Thinking over the Proactive Fiscal Policy     Xie Baohua  Li Binlian

Asymmetric Reaction of the Interest Rate Policy in China   Zhu Junjun

The Impact of Capital liquidity on Macroeconomic Fluctuation and China's Monetary Policy Coordination    Xu Cheng

The Reform of International Monetary System and the Internationalization of RMB   Xuan Wenjun

Virtual Economy, Short-term Shocks and the Fluctuate of the US dollar exchange rate   Xu Jian

International Developments against Intellectual Monopoly and Its Implications for China  Zhou Yi

" Green Barrier " and Chinese Countermeasure in International Trade   Zhang Aiqin

Different Kinds of Residual Control Rights and Their Effects on Corporate Governance  Li Shuang-jin   ZhengYu-jia

The Research on Improving the System of Collective Wage Negotiations    Zhang Liulu

An Empirical Analysis on the Structure of Network of Financial Services Industry -Based on the case of Shanghai City        Yan Yanming

A Study on the Relationship between Economic Growth and Urban PovertyExperience in Shanghai    Guo Feng

Re-estimating the Capital Stock in Shanghai: 19782008     Liao Yuansu

An applied study of comprehensive effect theory on road construction evaluation   Chun Yan

On Shanghai Trade Association Related with the Others Social Groups in Minguo  Fan Weiguo

