智库外宣|进博会特辑 陶希东:认识并发挥第三届进博会的全球意义,助力构筑“国内国际双循环发展新格局”







新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来,为成功应对逆全球化、全球政治经济格局不确定性增加的发展态势,中共中央政治局常委会会议首次提出了构建国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局的重大战略。第三届进博会通过集聚全球优质半岛电竞官方网站首页下载安卓 、扩大对外开放,稳定产业链供应链、放大溢出效益等功效,在形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进新发展格局的进程中,将会扮演“重要窗口”“最大平台”“最强动能”,一定大有可为。而作为主办城市上海而言,进博会更有助于彰显其构筑国内大循环的中心节点、国内国际双循环的战略链接的功能定位,提升城市发展能级。一要,最大程度汇聚全球优质品牌半岛电竞官方网站首页下载安卓 ,构筑打通国际国内双循环的重要平台和战略链接枢纽。进口是促进国内国际双循环中具有战略意义的纽带,通过进口可以把国内循环和国际循环有机连接起来。第三届进博会要充分利用中国超大规模国内市场和内需潜力,通过最便捷的进口通道、最周到的企业服务、最高效的保障措施,围绕产业链关键环节固链补链强链,围绕集成电路、人工智能、现代装备、生物科技、绿色产品等领域,最大程度集聚全球优秀企业、最新产品、一流服务、一流文化,让世界高质量产品和服务集中展示,吸引更多“全球首发、中国首展”,让国内外全球企业洽谈合作,全面打造国内大循环和国际大循环连接的重要纽带,为经济全球化发展和人类命运共同体建设注入强大新型动力。二要,最大可能发挥溢出效应,构筑促进国内经济大循环、高质量发展的“新引擎”和“加速器”。第三届进博会除了涉及服务贸易、汽车、消费品、技术装备、医疗器械及医药保健、食品及农产品等以外,新增了养老康复、能源化工、节能环保、公共卫生、家庭清洁和个人防护、有机食品、预包装食品、智慧出行、非银金融服务等新型题材,这无疑会更好满足国内人民群众对高品质产品和服务的需求,为推动经济高质量发展、打造高品质生活注入新的活力,但关键是要借助进博会平台,深化、拓展和创新进博会效应的溢出机制、载体和通道,充分发挥新一轮“新基建”优势,线下线上并举,利用全国政务服务一网通办等平台,打通生产、消费、服务、物流之间的“跨地域链接”,把全球优质进口产品和服务送到长三角、中西部、东北等内陆区域广大企业用户和居民的家门口,让更多的进博会同款商品进入国内流通市场,促进国内跨区域供应链、产业链的优化升级,让进博会成为促进国内经济大循环的“新引擎”和“加速器”,释放和创造更大的国内经济红利。

陶希东,上海社科院社会学研究所社会治理与社会建设研究室主任 研究员

The third CIIE held during the COVID-19 pandemic has greater global significance and value.

Since the global financial crisis in 2008, the world economy has been recovering slowly. The “economic miracle” created by China after 40+ years of reform and opening up has made it more obvious for people to see China’s contributions to the world economy. The Chinese government’s major economic decisions and strategic deployments will directly affect the development and trend of the world economy. For example, China International Import Expo, the world’s first expo with import as the theme, is the largest platform and an effective carrier for the Chinese government to match supply and demand of global products. It plays an important role in promoting economic globalization, matching global supply and demand, and satisfying Chinese consumers’ demand for high-quality products, which has been evidenced by the fruitful results of the two sessions successfully held in 2018 and 2019.

However, at the beginning of 2020, the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic brought profound and dramatic impacts to the international political landscape, global economic operation system, and psychology of people worldwide. Unilateralism, deglobalization, populism, etc. have suddenly become rampant, sending the world into a “turbulent period of changes unseen in a century,” and creating a huge crisis for the development of the global economic chain, industrial chain, capital chain, technology chain, and talent chain. During the prevention and control of the pandemic, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, China gave full play to the superiority of the socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhered to the principle of putting people first, took a lead in making major strategic achievements in the battle against the pandemic in the shortest time, provided assistance to other countries within its capacity, and acted as a responsible major country. Meanwhile, it advocated new development concepts of building a community of common health for mankind and a community with a shared future for mankind, which was praised and commended by the United Nations, World Health Organization and the international community. Currently, the pandemic is still spreading widely in Western countries. In particular, many wrong actions taken by the American government to politicize pandemic prevention and control measures have brought greater certainties and destablizing factors to world economy, industrial chain, technological innovation and international trade, resulting in more sluggish and pessimistic world economic outlook. In this new context, the Chinese government has resolutely fulfilled its global commitment that China will never close its door but only open up wider. While adopting regular prevention and control measures, it has planned and deployed at an early time, and successfully held the third China International Import Expo as scheduled at a higher level and with a larger scale, achieving the goal of “continued success in the years to come”. There is no doubt that it gives a boost and confidence to the global market, injects new development impetus into overcoming the impacts of the pandemic on world economy in all aspects, and provides new development opportunities for global enterprises. Besides, it will surely become a golden opportunity to promote global economic recovery in the post-pandemic era, and a consistent approach for China to firmly support and uphold economic globalization.

The third CIIE has become an important window and the largest platform for China to build a new development pattern with the domestic and international markets boosting each other.

Since the outbreak of pandemic, in order to successfully cope with trends of deglobalization and increasing uncertainties of the global political and economic structure, the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee put forward a major strategy to build a new development pattern with the domestic and international markets boosting each other for the first time. By gathering high-quality resources worldwide, expanding opening up, stabilizing the supply chain and industrial chain, and increasing spillover effects, the third CIIE will serve as an important window, the largest platform and the strongest driver, and play a big role in the formation of the new development pattern. Besides, it will help build Shanghai, its host city, into a center in the domestic market and a strategic link between the domestic and international markets under the new development pattern, and enhance the level of urban development. First, high-quality brand resources worldwide should be gathered to the largest extent to build an important platform and strategic hub connecting the international and domestic markets. Import is a strategic link in promoting development of the domestic and international markets, and can be used to connect the domestic and international markets. It’s imperative for the third CIIE to make full use of China’s large domestic market and potential of domestic demands. With the most convenient import channels, the most considerate enterprise services, and the most efficient supporting measures, it focuses on the key links and aims to consolidate, replenish and strengthen the industrial chain, centers on the fields including integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, modern equipment, biotechnology, green products, etc., and brings together as many excellent enterprises, the latest products, first-class services and best cultures worldwide as possible, so as to collectively display the world’s high-quality products and services, attract more products debuted worldwide and exhibited for the first time in China, promote domestic and foreign enterprises to negotiate cooperation, build an important link between the domestic and international markets, and inject strong new impetus into the development of economic globalization and the efforts to build a community with a shared future for mankind. Second, efforts should be made to maximize the spillover effect and build a “new engine’ and “accelerator” to promote the domestic economic cycle and high-quality development. In addition to trade in services, automobiles, consumer products, technical equipment, medical equipment, medicines, health care, food and agricultural products, the third CIIE has added some new themes including old-age care, rehabilitation, energy and chemical industry, energy conservation and environmental protection, public health, household cleaning and personal protection, organic food, pre-packaged food, smart travel, non-bank financial services, etc. This will surely better meet the Chinese people’s demands for high-quality products and services, and inject new impetus into promoting high-quality economic development and creating a high-quality life. The key is to use the CIIE platform to deepen, expand and innovate the spillover mechanisms, carriers and channels of the effects created by the CIIE, give full play to the advantages of the new round of new infrastructure construction, utilize a combination of offline and online methods, leverage national government service platforms such as the one website for all, achieve cross-regional connection between production, consumption, services and logistics, and bring high-quality imported products and services across the world to enterprise users and homes of residents in inland regions such as the Yangtze River Delta, Midwest China, Northeast China. With these measures, we can make more goods exhibited at the CIIE enter the domestic market, promote optimization and upgrading of domestic cross-regional supply and industrial chains, and turn CIIE a “new engine” and “accelerator” to promote the domestic economic cycle, unleash and create more economic dividends.

Tao Xidong,Director and Researcher of Social Governance and Construction Research Office, Institute of Sociology, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
