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“尚社新声”线上版第二弹 | 2018年新进院青年科研人员优秀论文展(一)




杜 红 玉



Combined Effects of the Surface Urban Heat Island with Landscape Composition and Configuration Based on Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Shanghai, China

Abstract: Rapid urbanization leads to changes in surface coverage and landscape patterns. This results in urban heat island (UHI) effects and a series of negative ecological consequences. Considering this concern and taking Shanghai as an example, this paper concentrates on the effects of surface coverage and landscape patterns on urban land surface temperature (LST). The research is based on quantitative retrieval of remote sensing data with consideration of methods in multiple disciplines, including landscape ecology, geographic information systems, and statistical analysis. It concludes that, over time, the thermal environment of Shanghai is becoming critical. The average LST ranking of different surface coverage is as follows: Construction land (CL) > bare land (BL) > green land (GL) > agricultural land (AL) > water body (WB). LST varies significantly with the type of surface coverage. CL contributes the most to the UHI, while WB and GL have obvious mitigation effects on the UHI. The large area, low degree of landscape fragmentation, and complex outlines lead to low LST rankings for GL, WB, and AL and a high LST ranking for CL. The conclusions indicate that CL should be broken down by GL and WB into discrete pieces to effectively mitigate UHI effects. The research reveals UHI features and changes in Shanghai over the years and provides practical advice that can be used by urban planning authorities to mitigate UHI. 

Keywords: land surface temperature; land cover types; landscape pattern; urban heat island; remote sensing; Shanghai


Urban blue-green space planning based on thermal environment simulation: A case study of Shanghai, China

Abstract:Improving the thermal environment of highly urbanized mega cities by optimized blue and green space brings great ecological and social benefits. In this study, applying remote sensing and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation, the Urban Cool Island (UCI) of blue and green space is explored. It indicates that complex outline of faceted water bodies leads to high UCI. Faceted water bodies have stronger UCI than linear ones. The UCI strength ranking of different types of green lands is wedge > radial > punctate > banding. The UCI distribution of green lands are different, which makes them appropriate in specific urban applications. Then, optimized design method of green lands and water bodies to maximize UCI is proposed, including integrating eco-system of green lands and water bodies, limiting riparian development, introducing artificial water within parks, inserting punctate green lands in old districts, setting green bands along roads in direction of prevailing wind and planning wedge green lands on the edge of cities. Finally, according to the optimized design method and the thermal environment simulation of Shanghai, strategy of distribution of blue and green space in urban planning to improve urban thermal environment is formulated, including polishing cool bands beside major and ring roads to increase permeability, inserting cool points into continuous UHI districts, protecting and improving cool surfaces on the edge of cities. The strategy is proved by simulation and provides hints for future planning of urban blue and green spaces.

Keywords: Blue and green space; Urban cool island; Thermal environment simulation; CFD

本文刊发于《Ecological Indcators2019.11SSCI/SCIE

陈  永




【关键词】 精准修正主义国家;灰色地带;南海;航行自由行动;中美海上安全竞争


李 世 奇



【摘要】通过构建中央政府干预的地方政府研发补贴区域竞争模型,运用空间面板方法基于中国31个省级地区2009-2015年的数据,分析地方政府在企业研发补贴上的区域竞争模式。研究发现,地方政府对国有企业的研发补贴呈现负的空间效应,地方政府采取相互替代的竞争策略,财政分权度系数显著为负说明国有企业所从事的基础性、全局性研发活动具有较大的外部性,地方政府对国有企业的研发补贴主要依靠中央政府的引导和支持,地方政府在国有企业研发补贴上的竞争实质上是对中央政府转移支付的竞争。对非国有企业的研发补贴则呈现正的空间效应,地方政府为了吸引和留住以市场为导向、流动性强的非国有创新企业采取相互模仿的竞争策略。研究结果表明,中央政府主导下的地方政府区域竞争会根据经济发展方式的变化而不断调整,竞争的对象向创新要素转移,充分体现了中国的制度优势以及市场在创新半岛电竞官方网站首页下载安卓 配置中的决定性作用。












